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Prepare procurement

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Vad är tillbörlig aktsamhet?

What is due diligence?

Due diligence has been defined as:

Due diligence is the process enterprises should carry out to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how they address these actual and potential adverse impacts in their own operations, their supply chain and other business relationships, ... (OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business p. 15) 

Within the scope of the contract term on due diligence for sustainable supply chains, due diligence includes identifying, preventing, mitigating and remedying negative impacts on people, the environment and society in your own operations and in the supply chains.

This means that the contract terms contain both results requirements and process requirements: to ensure compliance with the commitments on human rights, workers' rights, the environment and business ethics, you must have a due diligence process.

Excerpt from the contract terms

In order to ensure compliance with the commitments in the Code of Conduct for suppliers, Supplier shall have a due diligence process in accordance with clauses 2.1.1 - 2.1.7. The process shall be documented and applied from [the start of the contract/other time determined by the contracting organisation]. Through this process, Supplier shall identify, prevent, mitigate and remedy adverse impacts on people, the environment and society in its own operations and in its supply chains. This means that:

  • How to carry out a risk analysis
    Step 1: Mapping the supply chain The first step in a risk analysis consists of mapping the supply chain to find out its structure. This includes identifying in which countries the work is carried out, and if possible also in which regions. This is particularly relevant if the work is carried out in any region known to have high risks. Within certain industries such as food, textiles and IT there is a lot of information. For other industries such as pharmaceuticals, however, transparency is low. To obtain this information, you can ask the category manager, the category councils, ask questions of suppliers, find out import data, read audit reports and market analyzes for specific industries. It is also important to identify what type of work is carried out and what type of actors in the supply chain that performs it. Is it, for example, an industry characterized by low wages and health-hazardous processes? Does the workforce consist of migrant workers or seasonal workers? Is the supply chain complex with many subcontractors and a lack of transparency? This type of information is important as both geographical risks, industry risks and product risks need to be taken into account. Step 2: Gather information from credible and independent sources Once you have mapped the origin and the supply chain, the next step is to gather information about the situation of human rights, workers' rights, the environment and business ethics in the relevant countries where the work is carried out, that is, both for final manufacturing, component manufacturing and raw materials. For this you need to turn to credible and independent sources such as international organizations, authorities, voluntary and civil society organizations and global trade unions. Sources Step 3: Identify and assess negative impacts The last step involves assessing the actual and potential negative impact the supply chain is associated with, based on the information that has been compiled in steps 1 and 2. This is to be able to determine which concrete measures need to be taken to manage the risks. Often several risks have been identified and to prioritize them you need to make a seriousness assessment. The most significant risks are prioritized based on probability and seriousness ( read more under point d in process requirement 2 )

To get started


Good planning makes the work easier if you intend to participate in a public procurement with requirements on sustainability due diligence. Here's what you can do to be prepared:

  • Find out what the contract terms means for your business by delving into this support.

  • Ensure that your company has policies for its own operations and the supply chain that include commitments to human rights, workers' rights, the environment and business ethics.

  • Identify which due diligence processes your company has in place today and which you need to develop to meet the contract terms.

  • Start mapping the supply chain and obtain information about in which countries and regions final manufacturing or final assembly of your products takes place. 

  • Participate in dialogues with procuring organizations.


Doing business with the public sector (In Swedish only)

You are also encouraged to find out if you can collaborate with other organizations or companies in the industry, through industry initiatives. Also check if there are any labels you can use. You can find examples of industry initiatives and labels in the The National Agency for Public Procurement Authority's risk analysis service. (In Swedish only)

Integrera åtagandena i policyer och fördela ansvaret för policyer och tillbörlig aktsamhet

Vi förklarar vilka krav som ställs på policyer och hur ansvaret ska fördelas mellan styrelsen, personer i ledningsfunktion och anställda.

Förhindra och begränsa negativ påverkan som leverantören orsakar eller bidrar till

Vi förklarar ansvaret att upphöra med aktiviteter som orsakar eller bidrar till negativ påverkan, upprätta åtgärdsplaner och beakta inköpsmetoder.

Följa upp åtgärderna för att förhindra och begränsa negativ påverkan

Vi förklarar vad vi menar med att följa upp åtgärdsplaner, att samråda på ett meningsfullt sätt med rättighetshavare samt att hantera avvikelser.

Tillhandahålla gottgörelse

Vi förklarar begreppet, när ni är skyldiga att gottgöra samt behovet av att samråda på ett meningsfullt sätt med drabbade rättighetshavare och utvärdera om de är tillfredsställda med processen och resultatet.

Identifiera och bedöma negativ påverkan

Vi förklarar begreppen riskleverantör, kartläggning av leveranskedjan, samråd med rättighetshavare och särskilt sårbara grupper, samt hur ni prioriterar risker utifrån sannolikhet och allvarlighet. 

Använda inflytande för att förhindra och begränsa negativ påverkan kopplad till verksamheten

Vi förklarar ansvaret att använda ert inflytande genom bland annat leverantörsbedömningar, upprättande av åtgärdsplaner och vidareförmedling av kraven.

Möjliggöra klagomål

Vi förklarar klagomålsmekanismers nyckelfunktioner, för vilka intressenter de ska vara öppna, behovet av att hantera framförda klagomål och de olika kraven för er egen verksamhet och leveranskedjorna.

Hållbar upphandlings logotyp

Blekinge – Dalarna – Gotland – Gävleborg – Halland - Jämtland Härjedalen – Jönköping - Kalmar – Kronoberg – Norrbotten – Skåne – 
Stockholm – Sörmland – Uppsala – Värmland – Västerbotten – Västernorrland – Västmanland - Västra Götaland - Örebro - Östergötland

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