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We list credible and independent sources that you can use to identify and assess adverse impacts.

Under guidelines and support, you will find the international frameworks that form the basis of the work on due diligence. You will also find the UN and ILO convention databases and legislative databases, and information on global mineral production. Additionally, we have listed sources for assessing human rights, workers' rights, the environment, and business ethics in each country, as well as for identifying particularly vulnerable groups. Finally, we have compiled links to global unions.

Guidelines and support
Hållbar upphandlings logotyp

Blekinge – Dalarna – Gotland – Gävleborg – Halland - Jämtland Härjedalen – Jönköping - Kalmar – Kronoberg – Norrbotten – Skåne – 
Stockholm – Sörmland – Uppsala – Värmland – Västerbotten – Västernorrland – Västmanland - Västra Götaland - Örebro - Östergötland

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